American-Made + Affordable
TapeManBlue® Seat Cover Film is high quality plastic that will not easily tear or rip. It is also weather resistant, able to withstand sunlight or rain if your venue is outdoors. The film is thick enough that it will stay intact, and it also gives a very professional and aesthetic appearance compared to other methods of closing seats. Paper signs will get damaged or wet, and caution tape will get tangled and torn. On the other hand, seat cover film will stay taut and attached for much longer, saving you time and money in the long haul.
In addition to high quality film, our seat covers also possess high quality adhesive. The sticky side of the film is tacky enough to cling to a surface for an extended period of time, but not too tacky that it won’t come off easily when you try to remove it. The ability to place and remove the film so quickly makes it perfect for public areas where you may need to adjust the number of people due to family sizes and total attendees.