Why We Sell American-Made Products

Why We Sell American-Made Products

Our Commitment to American Manufacturing

Our high quality blue and green painter's tapes and protective films are made right here in the USA, and there's a lot of good reasons for it too.  We realized a long time ago that the businesses in our industry is incredibly dependant on reliable supplies in order to build strong reputations and grow their company.

We don't want to distribute anything that doesn't meet our customer's needs for quality and reliability. Our rationale for choosing American-made products are listed below.


Higher Quality Standards 

American goods are just better. The industrial standards set for manufacturers in the United States are more protective and ensure higher quality across the entire manufacturing process. That means the products perform better and are safer to use. We might be able to make a few cents more by going abroad and ignoring quality assurance, but that doesn't make any sense to us. A few pennies worth of profit could very well lose us a loyal customer who lost profit when a product failed. Then both us and our customers suffer the negative effects, and we can't have that.

Better Customer Service

American manufacturers stand behind their product and their locality make returns and other standards of quality customer service easier to provide. These advantages ripple down the supply chain to the customer, and the customer is everything to us. Selling American helps us streamline our entire distribution process. 

Buying American Stimulates the Economy 

Each dollar spent on American-made items cycles through the economy to keep our country working and our economy strong. Profits earned from orders shipped abroad mostly benefit only a very small sector of the economy and does nothing to create or maintain jobs here. A vibrant economy requires all of us. We want to do our part to boost the economy that we operate in because a better economy helps all of us. 

Businesses are the Neighborhood 

From Little League Baseball to the Girl Scouts, American families empowered by the businesses they work for enrich our communities. Keeping the local business community strong permits them to give back to the community through gifts, donations and volunteering. Taxes pay for community supports of all kinds from the streets we drive on to the police departments we rely on for civil order. Any city with a diminished business base has a lower quality of life for its citizens.

Environmental Impact

Shipping large quantities of materials from far away lands has a much greater impact on the environment than domestic shipping does. It is estimated that one large container ship can produce as much pollution as 50 million cars. By purchasing our materials from the USA, we are able to forego this harmful environmental impact. 


We Provide American For Our Customers

In the end, we choose to sell American-made because it's the best choice for our customers at every level. Our customers have been very loyal to us, and we repay that loyalty with the best performance products we can find. To us, selling American products is the only viable option because we want to supply products that we are proud of. If you value the topics we mentioned above, contact TapeManBlue to learn even more about how we can help you and your business.